WELCOME…to the Northwestern Caribbean Baptist Theological Seminary (NCBTS) and our family of students, faculty, and staff. We are a school of believers whose passion is to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
As a relatively new seminary, NCBTS offers new opportunities in theological education for men and women who are serious about following God’s call to vocational and lay Christian ministry. Our mission is to provide theological training that is “affordable, accessible, and applicable” to students in the Caribbean and beyond.
We are not a residential seminary, but rather a school that is primarily operated as an online or distance-learning institution. Through our online platform, you will be able to study the Scriptures and learn from seasoned Christian leaders in the environment of your home or of your cohort group of students wherever you may gather. In-person classes are offered at our Grand Cayman campus (housed in the Cayman Islands Baptist Church, 163 Pedro Castle Road, Savannah, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands), but the majority of our students will come from beyond our shores and from around the world via our website using the Canvas delivery platform.
Thank you for taking the time to check out our website. If you need additional information, please contact our Administration Office at info@ncbts.edu.ky or call us at (345) 946-2422.
With you for God’s glory,
Dr. Randy Von Kanel